Coronavirus: Italy shuts down all non-essential factories and businesses (in Italian)

2020-03-25T15:01:50+00:0023 March 2020|Coronavirus Resource Center, Legislative Updates|

Il Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri del 22 marzo 2020 prevede la sospensione (e quindi la chiusura) di tutte le attività produttive industriali e commerciali (salvo il caso Read More

Shareholders’ meetings and annual financial statements at the time of Covid-19 (in Italian)

2022-06-14T17:17:17+00:0020 March 2020|Coronavirus Resource Center, Legislative Updates, Market trends, Regulatory and Compliance|

Italy: The Italian government adopted urgent and extraordinary measures aimed at allowing companies to call ordinary shareholders' meetings within 180 days of the end of the financial year, as well as to facilitate the holding of shareholders' meetings, in compliance with the provisions aimed at reducing the risk of contagion (contents are in Italian).

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